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BAFA & BAHS Vocal Music Handbook | |
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Vocal Music Policies
Show Choir Policies
- Rehearsals for BAHS Tiger Rhythm (mixed show choir) are held each morning at 6:40AM & BAHS Tiger Mystique & Tiger Momentum (treble and freshman show choir) rehearsals are held each day at 3:00PM. We also rehearse some Saturdays and evenings. All rehearsals are mandatory, counted for course credit, and failure to attend will jeopardize your position in the group. Additionally, each choir participates in the Summer Show Choir Clinic. Failure to attend will jeopardize your position in the choir.
- Students who are selected for Show Choir must remain eligible in all classes. Students who become ineligible for more than two consecutive weeks in any class may be removed from Show Choir. Students in all other choir classes must remain eligible in order to compete and miss school for field trips, contests, etc.
- Each Show Choir will travel and compete several weekends during the second semester. These competitions are not optional. Failure to attend for any unexcused reason outlined by Broken Arrow Public Schools policy will result in your removal from the program.
- Students selected for show choirs will be responsible to fund raise and/or pay a nonrefundable fee by monthly installment. The fee is $3800.00 and is due before travel begins (early Spring Semester). Students in all other choirs will pay a $250 fee due by the end of the first semester. Fees become non-refundable after the first day of school.
- All costumes, props, sets, and arrangements are the property of BAHS Vocal Music and must be returned after the Spring Concert.
- All students participating in the Broken Arrow High School AND Freshman Academy Show Choir program will submit to both mandatory and random drug tests per Board of Education Policy 4090.
- Family vacations, other non-curricular activities, etc., should be scheduled around Show Choir rehearsals, performances, and contests. All other BAPS activity conflicts must be communicated no less than 5 days prior to a rehearsal, performance, or contest. Failure to communicate conflicts will result in your removal from this program. Communication does not guarantee an excused absence due to the conflict.
- Broken Arrow Show Choir Summer Camp is a requirement for students who are selected for any show choir. The dates for Show Choir Camp can be found on the official choir calendar.
- Students in Show Choir must maintain a natural hair color.
- Tardiness may result in students losing Show Choir enrollment.
- Students and parents must abide by the travel document sent before the first overnight trip.
- Professional and courteous communication across all mediums is expected from all parties.
- Parent involvement is critical to the success of the program. Attendance at parent meetings and adherence to travel expectations are minimum requirements.
- All fundraising proceeds are not payable to parents or students. All proceeds remain with Broken Arrow Choirs.
- BAPS Vocal Music reserves the right to make alterations to these policies at any time. It is the responsibility of the student and parents to remain aware of these policies throughout the school year.